Project Intrinsic


“belonging to the essential nature or constitution of a thing”

— Merriam-Webster Dictionary


What is Project Intrinsic?

I have pursued a variety of artistic, business, and educational endeavours for most of my life. This website is my attempt to bring it all together into one place. This might seem like a strange thing to some people. I admit that it’s certainly uncommon. I think the reason for this is because our society values hyper-specialization and the segregation of disciplines, industries, and more generally, ideas, into separate camps. Conversely, my fascination has always been with the unification, or connection, of seemingly disparate ideas into a cohesive whole. Therefore, I want to politely push-back against the unconscious bias and stereotypes that are latent in our socio-cultural ethos. Lawyers aren’t supposed to be artistic, but I am; free thinkers aren’t supposed to be conscientious, but I am. If there is a paradox here, I embrace it. My view, however, is that there is no paradox; no contradiction; no conflict in this per se. After all, the diversity of output that I have generated and continue to generate, does stem from a single source: me. So here it is. This is my earnest attempt converge the different facets of my personality, skills, and interests. Admittedly, it’s a bit of an experiment. However, I hope that in the process of conducting it publicly, you too will find something in it of value; and that you’ll want to be part of my journey in some capacity. Because as much as I love finding connections between ideas, I love fostering connections between people even more. 

Ben Nissan


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